Geez, I really have to clean it up! - Devlog#1

Hi folks, Haru here!

It's been a while since I submitted this little game made in 1 day and a half!

A fair amount of people have played the game and posted some nice insight on what could / sould be improved (thank you guys!).

To be honest: I didn't have this much inspiration for this project and I wanted to do it alone (in order to prove myself I was capable to manage a project alone).

It was dumb. Very dumb.

So, I got a shot of courage and asked some friends to help me fix this mess.

Therefore, here's the plan:

  • Using actual assets made for the game (made on actual paper and colors), thus we'll work on a real artistic direction
  • Fixing the mobile controls: the current controls aren't as fun as I expected (since I added them right before I - thought I - submitted the game), so I'll stick on traditional virtual inputs to move the balloon
  • Reworking the balloon's physics so it can… FLOAT! (or at least fall more slowly) because it's a balloon (duh) and balloons aren't supposed to fall this quick (I gotta admit)
  • Renaming the game (because "Balloon Search" is dumb and uninspired) so we'll rename it… *drum roll* "Searching Balloon" ! (Not a big change, indeed)
  • Refining the radar mechanic to be more precise (thus funnier)
  • Adding a couple of soundtrack (instead of this annoying bleep I found) and some quieter SFX to match the atmospheric sound
  • Creating several other levels to not bore you (while we keep the random factor to keep the game replayable)
  • And finally: adding some actual title and level complete screens (let's admit it: these crude light-blue text-only screens weren't appealing).

Pheeeew…! 😮‍💨

This sounds like a LOT of work, isn't it?

Well… actually not, but it's still going to take a couple of days before we get them done.

And all of this for a silly and unprofessional jam project.

But you still took some of your precious time to play it.

So it's the least I should do, as a token of my gratitude.

A lot of words to simply say "thank you, I heard you, I'm taking your feedback seriously" and leave the stage like the princess I am - before I get back before my workbench to craft you the game you deserve. 😁

With my best regards,

Haru from Never Ending Journey. 

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