I HAD to update it! - Devlog#3

Hey folks, Haru here!

Last week, I updated the 0.0.3 release one day after I updated the 0.0.2.

From what I promised for the 0.0.3, here is what I actually implemented:

  • Reverting the smaller distance from 100px to 455px (it will make more sense afterward);
  • An actual, persisting scoring system;
  • A~nd, the decreasing timer.

So, I only implemented 1/3 of what I told you.


Therefore, rejoice! - for I also implemented:

  • Border checkers that replaces the border limits (so, instead of bouncing, the balloon goes from the top of the map to the bottom, or from the far left to the far right - granting an "infinite" map and an easier navigation);
  • A pause screen (just in case)
  • Infinite gameplay loop: instead of getting the victory screen , the game iteration loops;
  • The victory screen has been replaced by a game over screen with your score AND a high score displayed.

Not bad for a next-day update, isn't it?

The next update will be the 0.1.0 release with assets, and some other update I planned for the 0.0.3 (except the procedurally generated levels, which will be a pain to implement and not really fun).

(And - since I'm posting this devlog a week late, I had time to refine the camera system so the "endless level" effect looks nearly seemless).

My team and I will also begin to work on actual assets (soundtrack, sprites, and background) so stay tuned folks!

See ya soon!

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